100th Day of Activities in 4th Grade with Mrs. Parks!
about 3 years ago, Ms. Oldham
100th Day of School
100th Day of School
100th Day of School
100th Day of School
100th Day Activities in 4th Grade with Mrs. Parks!
about 3 years ago, Ms. Oldham
100th Day of School
100th Day of School
100th Day of School
100th Day of School
100th Day Activities in 4th Grade with Mrs. Parks!
about 3 years ago, Ms. Oldham
100th Day of School
100th Day of School
100th Day of School
100th Day of School
100th Day Activities in 4th Grade with Mrs. Parks!
about 3 years ago, Ms. Oldham
100th Day of School
100th Day of School
100th Day of School
100th Day of School
100th Day Activities in 4th Grade with Mrs. Parks!
about 3 years ago, Ms. Oldham
100th Day of School
100th Day of School
100th Day of School
100th Day of School
Wednesday, January 26, 2022 is our 100th Day of School!
about 3 years ago, Ms. Oldham
100th Day of School
The 5/6 grade basketball game with Mulberry Grove Tuesday, January 25, has been canceled. There will be practice.
about 3 years ago, Ms. Oldham
We’re thrilled to announce Cowden-Herrick C.U.S.D. 3A’s new app! Access documents, news updates, even emergency notifications! Download the app on Android: https://bit.ly/2VCuAX3 or iPhone: https://apple.co/3hTcfMN.
about 3 years ago, Cowden-Herrick CUSD 3A
Cowden-Herrick announces Mr. Brent Reardon as “Staff Role Model of the Month of January”. The Staff Role Model of the Month is nominated each month by students, staff and community members. He will receive a $50 cash award donated by Aaron & Devi Hawes on behalf of Lockart and Green Funeral Services. Mr. Reardon teaches high school social studies including World History, United States History, Geography and Government. He also hosts an after school Guitar Club which is steadily growing and lots of fun to be a part of. Mr. Reardon currently reside in Effingham. He enjoys spending time with his immediate family; his girlfriend Roxana Michel, his son Jaxon Reardon and his mom, Wanda and dad, good ol’ Bob Reardon. His hobbies include many outdoor activities such as: fishing hiking and chasing his two-year-old son, Jaxon around the local parks and Trec Trail. Congratulations Mr. Reardon! We are glad to have you as a part of our team.
about 3 years ago, Brett Boehm
Mr. Reardon
Cowden-Herrick announces Students of the Month and Staff Role Model for January Cowden-Herrick teachers have named Seniors, Abigail Watts and Shad Thompson January Students of the Month. The Students of the Month are nominated each month based on Academic Effort, Attitude, Participation/Contribution, Responsibility and Service. Junior High and/or High School students are selected each month. They each receive $25.00 donated by Community Banks of Shelby County. Abigail is the daughter of Margo Watts and Eric Watts. She has two sisters, Lacey and Erica and two brothers, Eric and Reece. Abigail is the Spanish Club President and is a part of the Health Occupations class. She attends the First Baptist Church in Mattoon, and works at Lavender Ridge Memory Care in Effingham. Her future plans are to attend College of Coastal Georgia and become a registered nurse. Shad is the son of Carmen and Wesley Florey and Cody and Kaylee Thompson. He has one sister, Ryanne and one brother, Chance. Shad played summer CHBC basketball; coached by Tanner Thompson and AJ Miller. His future plans are to graduate high school and get a part-time job. Cowden-Herrick motto for this year is upheld by these students: “Remember, a strong, positive self-image is the best possible preparation for success.” Congratulations Abigail and Shad!
about 3 years ago, Brett Boehm
Congratulations to Coach Wendte on her 30+ year coaching career!
about 3 years ago, Seth Schuler
Coach Carolyn Wendte and Assistant Larry Young
We are Bobcat Proud! We appreciate our parents and grandparents each and every day! Thanks for helping make our school a great place to be! American Education Week: Don't forget to send in your spare change. We will be collecting all this week!
about 3 years ago, Cowden-Herrick CUSD
Happy Family Day
We would like to say THANK YOU to our wonderful support staff at Cowden-Herrick Elementary during American Education Week! They support our students and staff daily and we truly appreciate everything they do for us! It is a great place to be! Secretary: Miranda Cooks: Holly, Lola, and Laura Custodians/Maintenance: Kevin and Madonna Bus Drivers: Jay, Gene, Tony, Rhonda, and Jessica *REMINDER: We are collecting for the light display this week! Please send in your change!
about 3 years ago, Cowden-Herrick CUSD
Thank You